Friday, May 4, 2012

Didier Drogba

Didier Drogba is known around the world as the unmistakeable Chelsea forward striker, mainly for his large size, unique playing style, and undeniable skill. He is a two time winner of the golden boot award (most goals in a season) in the Permeir league, two time African Footballer of the Year, and in 2010 was named by time magazine as one of the top 100 most influential people in the world. But what many people don't know is that many citizens of his home country, the Ivory coast, consider him to be a hero. He has used much of his wealth from football to start the Drogba Foundation, which raises funds for the education and health of children in western Africa and especially in the Ivory Coast. Drogba holds many high profile fundraisers with the attendance of his fellow Chelsea teamates as well as many celebrities in order to raise money.  In 2009, Drogba announced he would be donating his three million Euro endorsement from Pepsi towards the construction of a new hospital in his hometown Abidjan. Chelsea then announced they would match that amount in donation towards the Foundation.

Tensions have been high in recent decades in The Ivory Coast since the begining of civil war in 2004. In 2006, a truce between the two sides was declared thanks to the pleas for peace by Didier Drogba, as well as the efforts of the entire Ivory Coast international football team. After the presidential elections in 2010, conflict began to rise again after the narrowly losing side declared the election was fixed.

Drogba continues to be a strong spokesman for peace as a member of  the Ivory Coast's Truth and Reconciliation Commission as well as being the Goodwill Ambassador to the UN, using all of his influence as a world famous football player to bring international attention and aid to his home country. For now, he continues his decorated career as a football player, but it is uncertain where this man may go after his retirement. In fact, in 2010 during the presidential election, he received much support as a candidate, but announced he would not be running in order to continue his sports career. But one thing is for sure: Drogba is and will continue to be a renown figure in both the soccer community as well as a prominent intenationall spokesman.